Nomination Packet Guidelines - Maryland Outstanding Leader Using Technology
Nominees will work with nominators to develop two artifacts, a video, a professional photo of the nominee, and a nomination statement. Artifacts, statement, and video should be chosen/developed so that judges will have a way to assess each of the standards on the bulleted list.
The files should be put into one folder on Google Drive and shared with Please be sure to share editing rights to the folder. The folder will be copied at midnight on the evening that the submission window closes.
Please name the folder: NomineeLastName Leader
Please name the artifacts:
NomineeLastName Leader Artifact 1
NomineeLastName Leader Artifact 2
NomineeLastName Leader Video
NomineeLastName Leader Statement
NomineeLastName Photo
Videos should be submitted in the following formats: mp4, mov, flv, wmv or a link to YouTube is acceptable. Videos should not exceed 3 minutes in length and should be developed as a showcase of the nominee (something that could be posted on our website or showcased at Common Ground).
Artifacts should showcase different aspects of the nominee and can include but are not limited to newspaper articles, websites, or presentations.
Nomination Statement (up to two pages in length) that describes the nominee’s work in the following standards can be written by the nominator or another representative:
- The nominee's work has had a significant positive impact on technology use in the nominee's educational community, whether that's locally, regionally, statewide, nationally or worldwide.
- The nominee has made efforts to involve the community and business/legislative institutions through partnerships and collaboration in the initiative or program to support and fund the use of information and computer technology (ICT) and digital resources.
- The nominee has demonstrated his or her ability to develop a systemic plan aligned with shared vision for school effectiveness and student learning through the infusion of ICT and digital resources.
- The nominee continuously improves his or her professional practice through the promotion of technology-related professional learning plans and opportunities, and exhibits leadership in his or her school and/or professional community by engaging in an ongoing process to develop, implement and communicate plans for the effective use of digital tools and resources.
- The nominee has contributed to the profession by presenting at professional conferences, seminars, and/or workshops or by publishing articles in print or through electronic media.
- The nominee’s work reflects that s/he empowers learners to flourish in a connected world by cultivating a passionate learning community; linking educators and partners; leveraging knowledge and expertise; advocating for strategic policies; and continually improving learning and teaching.
Completed packets are due in Google Drive by midnight on March 30. Any late submissions will result in disqualification from the contest.
Nomination Statement Guidelines