The goal of the Innovative Educator Scholarship of the Maryland Society of Educational Technology, founded in 2015, is to encourage and provide support for those working toward advanced degrees in instructional technology.
Scholarships will be awarded in the amount of $1,000 to those professionals pursuing advanced course work /programs at institutions of higher education to support tuition. Up to two scholarships per year will be awarded. Applications must be submitted in time to reach our organization before the deadline. Only complete applications will be reviewed. Complete applications must include the form, a resume, two letters of reference, official transcripts, and educational goal essay or video submission.receive guidance on creating the page.
Be a member of MSET (Non-members may submit membership and dues at the time of entry.)
Be employed full time in the field of education
Use the money to support tuition fees in a program focused on instructional technology
Have not received the scholarship previously
Application Requirements:
Completed Scholarship Application Form
Submit two letters of recommendation (not to exceed one page)
MSET member
Direct supervisor: administrator, supervisor, or department chair
An official transcript (does not need to be sealed)
Educational goal essay (not to exceed 250 words) or a 2 minute maximum video showcasing your vision for how you will use your advanced degree to innovate learning for students/teachers (if you are currently in a professional development role) in Maryland.
All artifacts must be housed digitally by the applicant and a url for each submitted or an overall url to a website that houses all of the artifacts can be submitted.
Scholarship recipients will be recognized at Common Ground. Recipient winners are required to submit a proposal for a concurrent session, a featured speaker session, a poster session or a round table session at the conference. Scholarship recipients will also receive complimentary two day registration for Thursday, April 30, 2020 and Friday, May 1, 2020.
Active MSET Executive Board members (elected officers and committee chairs) are not eligible to receive these scholarships.
Applications must be received on or before January 10, 2020.
Entries not submitted by the due date are disqualified.
Applicants will be disqualified if all information is not completed and submitted to MSET by the deadline. A committee of MSET board members and other educators will rate each application.
MSET membership is verified for awards and scholarships that require membership. Entries for nominees who are not current members are disqualified.
Entries are made available to the judges.
Judges determine finalists.
Scholarship recipients will be notified via email before February 21, 2020. (revised)
All nominees are sent emails regarding their status after finalists are notified.
To receive monetary awards, finalists and scholarship recipients will receive a 1099 and must fill out and sign a W-9 IRS form. Questions? Email the MSET Treasurer.
All recipients and finalists will be publicized in MSET publications and website.
Press releases are sent to local media on all recipients and finalists.