Event details
Session: Winning the Cell Phone Challenge: Transforming Distraction into Interaction
Date/Time: 2 Different Sessions! December 13th, 7-8 pm ET or 8-9 pm ET.
Session Description:
Do you often feel like you are losing the cell phone battle in your classroom? Outside of the classroom, most people use various types of mobile devices to make life much easier, and December 17th is a day set aside to celebrate these devices and how important they are in our daily lives. In our upcoming professional development session, we will explore innovative ways to turn the tide and transform cell phones from classroom distractions into valuable tools that align with lessons. We will discuss strategies such as implementing educational apps, encouraging responsible digital citizenship, integrating interactive learning platforms, and using mobile devices for collaborative projects. The session is aimed at empowering teachers to harness the educational potential of cell phones, fostering a positive and productive learning environment.